Dream Journal


My dreams in chronological order. Notable dreams will be added to a different section.


I'm walking in my home town, and I come across this large property with trees. There's a solid path for public use and a stepping stone path which is private property. I become disorientated and end up on the stone path. I try to quickly make it back, but I come across a girl. We talk and she wants me to play with her. I follow her to her mansion that has a bajillion indoor pools. I meet her mother who is a blonde woman with black rimmed glasses. She is suspicious of me, but after talking for a bit, she invites me to stay for dinner. She gives me a tour of the house. All I remember is a bunker with shelves full of food and water. We sit down at a long table covered in various food items. Once we are done eating, I make my way back home. There's a ton of people smoking cigarretes everywhere I look - on the benches, sitting in the grass, in gazebos. I am filled with dread and turn around back towards the mansion. The table is filled with pink and red consumer goods. I specifically remember socks with strawberries on them and brown roller skates with socks. I want to take them, but they look too small. I flip them over to check the size, and it says 9 and a half - too big for me. The mother comes back and asks me if I took anything. I told her I was just looking. She replied that she would have killed me if I had taken anything without asking.


I'm in a house and travel from room to room. I find a box of photos. I can't remember what the picture was, but it had something to do with my family. Now, I am in a large black commercial building with tall windows and grey shaggy carpet. I go out the sliding doors to a parking lot and call my grandma to pick me up. She's taking a long time, but all of the sudden, my mom appears. I get in her car and call my grandma to just meet at her house.


I become aware that I am dreaming and crawl out of bed. I walk into the dark kitchen, but it is a little off from real life. The cabinet handles are out of place, and the door leading outside is on the opposite wall. I go through the door and turn to see my surrounding, but it starts to fade into darkness. I'm at a store with my mom, and she shows me a trash can she thinks I should buy. You press on the lid and it pops open. I read a label for a collapsible mop. It looks like one of those red ones that everyone seems to have (I can't escape consumerism even in my dreams).


I stay back at my work's office to wash my clothes (?). After thirty minutes, I'm like,"this is dumb" because I have clothes I need to wash at my house. I cancel the washer, but then water starts coming out of the outlets. I have to clean it up, but its hard and yellow. By the time I finish, it is night time. Three of my coworkers left their lamps on, so I turn them off. As I'm locking the door and about to leave, I notice my boss looking up at a tree. She calls me over to check out the hummingbirds. I tell her that I did not know that there were hummingbirds where we live. They're eating the fruit off the tree, which suddenly turns into pumpkins that start to fall. She runs to her son because a pumpkin is about to fall on him.


My partner's coworker sent me a video of him cheating on me with some blonde woman.


Someone was having a birthday party or some sort of celebration at a restaurant that doesn't exist with fajitas in the name. I sat next to someone I did not recognize but they felt familiar. Two of my close friends from high school showed up in the uniform of my first job. They couldn't stay at the gathering because they had to go to work. I felt dissapointed because they were the reason I came, and I also felt jealous about my two friends working together at my old job. If we all worked together, it would be fun. I left the restaurant to go back and apply to my old job. I had to get re-trained because it has been a long time.


This night I had several distinct dreams that were somehow connected, but I cannot remember how. (1) There is a storm coming, and I have to prepare, but the house is covered in vines and vegetation. I cannot close the shutters. (2) I am standing by an ocean cliff searching for something in the sand. (3) I am at my house watching television. I really have to pee, but I'm too interested in what I am watching, so I pee in a 5 gallon bottle lolwut. (4) I am a woman that isn't me. My baby died from natural causes, but the police are investigating. An officer offers me $50k to be a part of an anti-drug campaign called Sugar Baby. My deceased baby would be placed face down into a pile of sugar to warn parents about keeping children away from cocaine. I refused, but the officer threatened to charge me with murdering the baby if I did not participate.


I was in an unrecognizeable house with a long, dark, spooky hallway. I sensed the presence of ghosts and felt very frightened. I would avoid the hallway at all cost and kept the lights on in the other rooms. Eventually, I got sick of being scared and started screaming and running wildy back and forth through the hallway.

In the same night, I had another dream that my cat needed to be euthanized (not sure the reason). I was at a dining table with people I did not know. A lady injected him and we waited. Time passes, and he is still alive. He is so fat that the dose was not effective. I lay on the floor next to him.


I started a food delivery service, similar to something like doordash, except I used carrier pigeons.



I was working at the job I had a temporary contract for that recently ended. I was in charge of a project, but my supervisor told me that I cannot tell people what to do, so I would have to tell her the tasks and she would divy it up amongst my coworkers.

Very Strange Dreams

Some of the dates have become a blur.

Mugwort Madness



Before bed, I drank some mugwort tea that I received from a local farm stand. I have tried mugwort before, but I never experienced the noted effects - deep sleep and vivid dreams. As soon as my head fell on the pillow, I was asleep which is unusual for me since I typically toss and turn. My partner was still brushing his teeth when he came into the bedroom to ask me where something was. I did not respond. A few minutes after he laid down, I sat up in the bed. He figured that I was going to the bathroom A few more moments passed, and I still haven't gotten up. He asks if I am okay and tries to lay me back down once he realizes I am asleep I suddenly start shouting and flailing my arms at him. (He was not hurt, but definitely startled.)




This dream occured a few weeks after my patner and I moved into a new house. When we moved in, we only had an air matress for a couple of days until the movers dropped off our stuff. In the dream, we were sleeping on the air matress in the kitchen. I turned over and looked on the floor. In the darkness, I saw roaches and various creepy crawlies. In reality, I was standing on top the bed, screaming that there were bugs. My partner was concerned that there were actually a bajillion insects crawling on the floor, but he soon realized I was sleeping.

Was I Just Visited by a Ghost?



A few weeks after my grandpa died, I have a dream where I was getting ready to meet a friend at the mall. I went to my closet, which was identical to the one in real life. I turned around and saw myself asleep in my bed. It felt like my soul was sucked into my sleeping body. I feel this heavy weight on my chest. It is the girl from the movie Grudge. I'm trying to scream for help, but no words come out. Suddenly, my bedroom door opens and bright, white light shines through. My grandpa walks into the bedroom. He's dressed as a tourist, wearing a hawaiian shirt, a panama hat. He's holding a briefcase. He tells me not to worry, and that we will see eachother again.

Reoccuring Dreams

There's big waves crashing against a cliff. I'm either in the water or standing by the cliff's edge looking in.

Oh god, my teeth are falling out.

When I was a small child, I had dreams of stealing my mom's car and driving to this weird gas station at night.
