Dream Journal


My dreams in chronological order. Notable dreams will be added to a different section.


I started a food delivery service, similar to something like doordash, except I used carrier pigeons.



I was working at the job I had a temporary contract for that recently ended. I was in charge of a project, but my supervisor told me that I cannot tell people what to do, so I would have to tell her the tasks and she would divy it up amongst my coworkers.

Very Strange Dreams

Some of the dates have become a blur.

Mugwort Madness



Before bed, I drank some mugwort tea that I received from a local farm stand. I have tried mugwort before, but I never experienced the noted effects - deep sleep and vivid dreams. As soon as my head fell on the pillow, I was asleep which is unusual for me since I typically toss and turn. My partner was still brushing his teeth when he came into the bedroom to ask me where something was. I did not respond. A few minutes after he laid down, I sat up in the bed. He figured that I was going to the bathroom A few more moments passed, and I still haven't gotten up. He asks if I am okay and tries to lay me back down once he realizes I am asleep I suddenly start shouting and flailing my arms at him. (He was not hurt, but definitely startled.)




This dream occured a few weeks after my patner and I moved into a new house. When we moved in, we only had an air matress for a couple of days until the movers dropped off our stuff. In the dream, we were sleeping on the air matress in the kitchen. I turned over and looked on the floor. In the darkness, I saw roaches and various creepy crawlies. In reality, I was standing on top the bed, screaming that there were bugs. My partner was concerned that there were actually a bajillion insects crawling on the floor, but he soon realized I was sleeping.

Was I Just Visited by a Ghost?



A few weeks after my grandpa died, I have a dream where I was getting ready to meet a friend at the mall. I went to my closet, which was identical to the one in real life. I turned around and saw myself asleep in my bed. It felt like my soul was sucked into my sleeping body. I feel this heavy weight on my chest. It is the girl from the movie Grudge. I'm trying to scream for help, but no words come out. Suddenly, my bedroom door opens and bright, white light shines through. My grandpa walks into the bedroom. He's dressed as a tourist, wearing a hawaiian shirt, a panama hat. He's holding a briefcase. He tells me not to worry, and that we will see eachother again.

Reoccuring Dreams

There's big waves crashing against a cliff. I'm either in the water or standing by the cliff's edge looking in.

Oh god, my teeth are falling out.

When I was a small child, I had dreams of stealing my mom's car and driving to this weird gas station at night.
