I fulfilled my goal of no television for the month of January, which has been the longest amount of time I have gone without it since I was a baby. Even toddler me was glued to a screen, watching Barney and friends. Did I magically turn super productive and do all the activities I wanted to do? No.
I would find myself sitting on the couch staring at the wall where the tv once was (I put it in a closet to prevent temptation). I guess I expected that the boredom would propel myself into a frenzy where I would always keep on top of the laundry and suddenly become a more active, enthusiastic person. I didn’t completely waste my time. I went on more walks, saw friends more often, and finished more books in one month than I have in the past decade.
February rolls around, and now my animalistic instinct to consume all forms of mindless entertainment is in full force. My phone's screentime weekly average went from less than an hour to over four. I deleted TikTok, which was soon removed from the app store (rip), so I have opted for its terrible cousin, Instagram Reels. I don't know why I do this to myself. I'm sick of giving my attention to corporations that spy on users and encourage hateful rhetoric.
I know I should delete my social media already, but I feel like I am missing out with my friends. Social media companies have created this illusion of community, which makes it so difficult to leave despite not receiving any tangible interaction except for the occasional meme. The only way to stop myself is to throw my phone into the river (figuratively cuz that would be environmentally irresponsible).
Does anyone know how to stop this cycle? Electroshock therapy?